How Zoom Makes Money

Zoom is one of a handful of popular video conferencing software. This platform has managed to take a sizeable market share despite fierce competition from its more seasoned contemporaries. Nevertheless, if you’ve ever wondered how Zoom makes money, we lay it all bare in this post. What is Zoom Anyway? Zoom is a cloud-based video… (more) How Zoom Makes Money

The Ultimate Manual to Airtable Security

Airtable is a low-code platform for custom applications, collaboration, and business workflows. It’s trusted by 200,000+ organizations worldwide, including Netflix, Expedia, Time Magazine, and Shopify. If you’re an existing Airtable user or considering it for your business, you need to prioritize security—and this guide will teach you how. What is Airtable Security Anyway? Airtable is… (more) The Ultimate Manual to Airtable Security

The Ultimate Manual to Data Loss Prevention Policies

Human error is the cause of data loss in 29% of cases. This speaks volumes about where organization owners should turn their attention: the employees. Luckily, data loss prevention policies—ones that really defines how to share and protect data safely—can serve as guidelines to help businesses and their staff make sense of what they’re doing… (more) The Ultimate Manual to Data Loss Prevention Policies

Incredible companies use Nira

Every company that uses Google Workspace should be using Nira.
Bryan Wise
Bryan Wise,
Former VP of IT at GitLab

Incredible companies use Nira